January 9, 2012

Transcend USB 3.0 controller drivers

So the USB controller model TS-PDU3 comes with an NEC chipset.
NEC is called RENESAS now.

You can see the lineup at
EDIT: Updated link : http://www.renesas.com/products/soc/usb_assp/index.jsp

I think it's the µPD720200, but I couldn't find a way to download drivers for it from their site.

Download the transcend driver and install.

filename : RENESAS-USB3-Host-Driver-20320-setup.exe

It will install as

date : 12/10/2010
version :

Then go to intel's website and download their updated drivers

filename : USB3.0_allOS_2.1.28.0_PV.exe
EDIT: updated file same link is USB3.0_allOS_2.1.28.1_PV.exe

Run and it will automatically update to

date : 10/25/2011
version :

Maybe there are newer drivers but this fixes the issues with recognizing some USB drives.

This was all tested on Windows 7 x64.